The Eugowra News has been delivering a monthly newspaper since 1996 In that time we have seen the paper grow from about six pages through to the current format which is on average 40 pages. Originally the News was completely put together by volunteers, literally cutting, pasting, laying out, photo copying and stapling. Fortunately these days we use Publisher and get the news printed by Court Press. We still have to manually fold it up though! The editors have changed over the years and we thank them all for their contributions:
David Hyde
Anne Bray
Kristie Rue
Barry Herbert
Sue Herridge
Tricia Ward
Anne Heath
2010 - Eugowra News Committee formed
2011 - Eugowra News won a Community Achievement Award
2012 - Eugowra News featured on ABC Radio “Paperchase” segment
2012 - Eugowra News now online